Crazy Horse (Lakota: Thašųka Witko, literally "His-Horse-is-Crazy")
“Crazy Horse's vision foretold the darkness that descended on his people. He saw the coming of automobiles and airplanes and the tragic world wars of the modern era. He saw his people gradually awakening after the last war and beginning to dance again under the Sacred Tree. Then amazingly he saw that dancing along with his people were representatives of all races who had become brothers. Thus he foresaw that the world would be made whole again, not just by his own nation but by all peoples working together.” - Bette Stockbauer
The Teton Sioux Chief Crazy Horse had a final vision in which "He saw his people being driven into spiritual darkness and poverty while the white people prospered in a material way all around them. But even in the darkest times, he saw that the eyes of a few of his people kept the light of dawn and the wisdom of the earth, which they passed on to some of their grandchildren. He saw the coming of automobiles and airplanes, and twice he saw the great darkness and heard the screams and explosions when millions of people died in two great world wars.
"But he saw, after the second great war passed, a time come when his people began to awaken, not all at once, but a few here and there, and then more and more, and he saw that they were dancing in a beautiful light of the Spirit World under the Sacred Tree even while still on Earth. Then he was amazed to see that dancing under the tree were representatives of all races who had become brothers, and he realized that the world would be made new again and in peace and harmony not just by his people, but by members of all races of mankind." - Vinson Brown, Voices of Earth and Sky; 1974, Harrisburg, PA
Crazy Horse had a vision he shared with sitting bull during a pipe ceremony just days before he was murdered. He said, "Upon suffering beyond suffering, the red nation shall rise again and it shall be a blessing for the sick world. A world filed with broken promises, selfishness and separations. A world longing for light again. I see a time of seven generations, when all the colors of mankind will gather under the sacred tree of life and the whole earth will become one circle again. In that day, those among the Lakota who will carry knowledge and understanding of unity among all living things, and the young white ones will come, to those of my people to ask for wisdom. I salute the light within their eyes where the whole universe dwells, for when you are at the center within you and I am at the at place within me, we are as one." - Crazy Horse from James Medicine Tree
“I see a time of seven generations, when all the colors of mankind will gather under the sacred tree of life and the whole earth will become one circle again.”
He died in 1877. If we use 18 years as the number to represent one generation, we can conclude that Crazy Horse named the year 2003 as the year that people would gather. We all know what happened that year. With the help of Crazy Horse’s prophecy, maybe more people will realize that is the year the “last war” began.
Very well written. A wonderful tribute to a powerful, mystical, and spiritually minded man who had a great love for his people. We need more writers like you. Life is a mystical experience, but most of us are so caught up in materialism and the attainment of money that we forget that fact, or ignore it. The time will soon come when we will no longer be able to look the other way. Thank you for reminding us all.
I have always been told, by my own grandfathers, that His Crazy Horse was Oglala, not Teton.
Perhaps Oglala is a group or band within the division/group Teton.
If you use the generation average as 20yrs, we are united in 2017.
What a crock of shit.
Ya you are Anonymous!
We stand at standing rock..AHO
Dear Hearts: and it comes to pass. Wonderful post - and thank you for reminding us. All Love, Padme A'Tea (Lyn Gilbert)
I am Brit with an American heart.. and a deep, and deeper love for the Sioux people... there is unity for us all in Jesus Christ... In Him we will all find our identity eventually... love this post... thanks for sharing...
This is the time hence Standing Rock n all people coming together. Thr time is now. My friend your right!
Your eyes are closed.
Crazy Horse, literally "His-Horse-Is-Crazy"; was a Native American war leader of the Oglala Lakota.
First Nation-First Christians: The path to peace
Standing rock may no longer be visibly noted in the news, but it's work is still alive. I believe it has raised awareness, and people are resisting in small ways that will add up to major impact over time.
Peace and Love, not greed and materialism led by blind trolls.
“I see a time of seven generations, when all the colors of mankind will gather under the sacred tree of life and the whole earth will become one circle again.”
The description of how this vision all comes to pass always get’s left out!
It doesn’t just happen all by itself someone has to bridge the two worlds to become one again.
Curly had seen the man of the future that brings everything together into oneness, what he saw was a Sioux half breed with a light skin complexion, light brown wavy curly hair and hazel eyes. That this young man would be recognized as the one to make this vision come to pass by his display’s of naturally being a 3 world at such a young age where no boy would be thought of to possess such great knowledge of internal, external and spiritual unity.
It was shown to me that the name Curly was left for this half breed that required a real Indian Name! Since this young man has the ability to walk freely and be recognized as belonging to the "White Man’s World" by those living in that world, he is also recognized as belonging to the Native lands by his people who live in that world! This ability to travel between worlds freely without discrimination will begin the bridging of these two worlds. The bridge will be complete when he shows the world how to bridge the internal and external worlds together into ONE
dã-ã pi-ĩčiya
I thought the Sioux Nation considered a generation to be a hundred years
I am not a Native American, but I do feel they had a understanding and insight into this world the white man who only sought to exploit it did not. I hope for humanities sake that this understanding has been passed down to the times we are in now. I am 60 years old and know that many in my generation are responsible for many atrocities to the earth. If a generation is approximately 20 years then the young people of today are showing us that the seventh generation prophecy may be correct and happening now. On March 15th 2019 1.5 million youth all around the world protested to save mother earth and social justice for all. After that I have watched many indigenous people from north and south America speak on indigenous peoples rights, climate change and the ecological breakdown. On September 20th 2019 indigenous youths have started to take there place in the youth climate strikes around the world with over 4 million people. It warms my heart to see youth from all over the world standing as one to save the world and to have respect for all.
Perhaps the the sick world he speaks of us the one we live in now.The corona virus has the entire world in a stranglehold.Could it be that the time for the knowledge?
total crock. sounds like someone who is pushing miscegenation - id like to see the original and the translation, sounds like its been adulterated.
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